Monday, June 15, 2020

These Times, They Are A-Changing

Oh, I'm getting sick and tired. This bullshit going on. Riots, commies, tearing down and defacing historical statues and monuments. Why are all of these people so fucking nuts? Is it over one man? The President? I know its a large part of it, but as I was watching a news network, a professor mentioned the word revolution. Yeah, a fucking communist revolution. Idiot people in America are starting to think that socialism/communism is the answer and it's not. My grandmother lived in Nazi Germany. She left after WWII. She saw Hitler up close. The propaganda and all of that shit. Thank god my grandfather from America took her out of Germany.

I was raised around people who knew what real oppression was like. My ancestors are German, Norwegian and Native American. I grew up doing Cold War bomb drills in elementary school. It scared me. I remember the commies. And kids now like them? I was taught by my German grandmother the horrors of war, communism, and Hitler, what he did to the Jews. I didn't learn from school. Ha! Learning real history at school has always been a joke. She didn't hold back either. It was horrific. 

Another issue is this black lives matter garbage. It's funded by old paper bag face George Soros. He sets all of the trends. I guess they are now a political movement and are very powerful now. Well, FUCK THEM. ALL LIVES MATTER.

I don't give a flying fuck what people think of me. Tired of civil unrest. It doesn't hurt me, but it's unneeded and it's just not safe anymore. I want to have a life without garbage in it. But we's gots homeless people everywhere. Anarchist idiot fucks, Antifa fucktards, BLM morons - I don't need that shit.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Clown World & Wokeness

Oh my, am I sick of "wokeness" and this fucking clown world. Why did it all happen? There have always been freaks and weirdos, but now they are on the attack. If these little lefty retards don't get what they want they just keep REEEE-ing. This new "wokeness" has been ruining a lot of people and perceptions. There used to be no children affected by drag queens reading to them in a public library - now there is. Fucking scary looking men.

I think some parents make their own kids so gender confused that's one reason they end up with gender dysphoria and want to change sexes. I believe it was John Hopkins hospital that said 95% of gender reassignment surgeries that are done, are regretted later on.

Why does everything have to be sexual in nature now? Everything seems to boil down to whether you are LGBTQRSTV these days and they push it in your face if they are. Sorry, I don't care. Keep it quiet, I really don't fucking care about how these people live unless they are damaging children's lives.

They've got gay pride. Why not hetero pride? Oh no. That's seen as hatred! Not inclusive! Not sustainable! Bahahaha! And you've got the frumpy ugly feminists with shitty clothes, huge ear gauges, Kool-Aid hair, and tattoos everywhere trying to claim that its "cool" to look this way. No, you just look like an ugly moron. Sorry.

Hey, I ain't a normie, if that's what people think while reading this blog. I used to always wear black clothes and look gothic, but those Antifa assholes stole the black getup and even some of the Satanic symbols that were sacred to me. I will NOT look like one of those stupid, idiotic, son of a bitch motherfuckers. Oooh, they took over a part of Seattle's streets and couldn't even run it. Little soy loving vegan morons.

Told ya all that this blog will include incendiary content. Uh oh. Google owns Blogger. I might get deleted or get a warning. FUCK THEM. FREE SPEECH.

I'm a Patriot. NO ONE silences me.

I don't feel very occulty this morning, so I'm not posting anything to do with that yet. Sorry folks.

Signing off.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

We Are Sentenced To Die The Day We Are Born...

How poignant of Mr. Gary Gilmore to say. We are sentenced to die the day we are born. We just don't know when. Taking a firing squad was pretty brave of Gilmore. Despite his crimes, he was an articulate and interesting person. Talented, too. Why are all the "bad" ones gifted? Perhaps we will know one day, perhaps not. It's the duality of man, they say.

I'm sitting up pretty late at night, or early in the morning. Just don't feel settled enough yet to sleep. Things are bothering me, keeping me from getting shut eye. Maybe it is the civil unrest that is going on. It's possible that I'm sick of the lefties that make my part of the country too goddamned weird. I'm tired of Kool-Aid hair dye on pixie cuts. I'm tired of "REE-sist!" Who gives a flying fuck about gay pride month? I DON'T. Keep it to yourself. Party alone. Stick it in a light socket for all I care. Maybe you can be a new fad, how about "electro-sexual?" Where you can only get off with electrical appliances? ROFLMAO!

Anything is possible in Clown World. Rampant people with acute TDS are ruining this country with their pitiful soy cries of anarchy and "It's not fair! Not my President!" He is YOUR PRESIDENT bitch, for about four years now? And FOUR MORE to come!


Well, off to more spiritual things....

Think a devil worshiper couldn't be a Republican? Guess again. :D I'm a Left Hand Path Righty! LOL!! 

There's been some interesting experiments I've been doing for a few months, involving the Four Queens, or the Sacred Prostitutes if you want to call them that. That would be Lilith, Agerath, Eisheth, and Naamah. Great progress in those workings! Solid results. I think all women should work with these Sacred Queens, but take care. I may write something about how I worked with them, and some challenges and successes I've had. It's been a journey. There is also another sacred "whore" that I've loved working with, her name is Az-Jeh. These Demonesses are worth of study and work.

I primarily work with Ba'al and Astaroth, along with Leviathan and Lucifuge. They are my main Demons. Then the four Semitic Queens. Then Santa Muerte is also my other devotion. She is very strong with me. If she needs to get a message to me, she sends me spiders - lots of them! They pop up out of nowhere. Then I know it's her, not just a random pest thing.

My business, Open Roads Apothecary, is my big love. I hope people will come by and enjoy. 

Well, I've been banging along here. Hopefully my medible kicks in. I think it's starting to. :)

Signing off.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

This Is My Blog

To anyone who has wandered to my little internet space, welcome! I have to give fair warning to everyone though. With our highly polarized times, I admit, I am on one side of the spectrum and it is the side that a lot of people like to harass. I will not put up with it on this blog - all comments are moderated. Here it goes. I am a conservative Republican. I am pro-life, pro-guns, and I have traditional values. I do not want my political opinions to sour my business. I'm only talking about these things because I need an outlet, and a blog is the best way for me. If you don't agree with me, I don't care. I'm an individual and have my own rights and I have freedom to speak what I will.

A lot of the time, I am brash, abrasive and down right pissed off when I come to write in my blog. Especially if I see something on the alternative media news that I watch. I do not watch the mainstream media news. It's fake and it's garbage. I prefer REAL people giving me the news, from different areas of the country to see what is REALLY going on. You won't hear shit from the MSM. It took them a whole year to figure out that Antifa is a really bad terrorist group that needs to go the fuck to prison and leave regular folks alone. They aren't anti-fascist. Its just a cover. They are racists when they have fucking skinheads hanging out with them! I saw it documented in Portland. So, don't give me talk that these good for nothings are peaceful and accepting. And they're "just expressing themselves," Bullshit! Sorry to say and I'm ashamed to be from Portland. I despise my home town now and worry about my relatives who still live there.

I don't know how much of this blog will be occult in nature. We shall see. I'm more political than anything else right now. I am fighting for freedom, especially of speech. And I love our President. He is doing an awesome job of exposing the fucked up realities of what the Pedo-crats are doing, and have been doing for many years. He's guilty of no crimes.  Unless you call winning fair and square a crime. LOL. Ol' Hitlary would have done a shitty job, that's for sure. We'd still be in the war, our soldiers would still be overseas, and we wouldn't be oil independent. That's just a few things.

I can put on my tinfoil cap and say lots of other things, but I won't for now.

There's a lot of occult shit that gets on my nerves lately. Mostly sanctimonious sycophants trying so hard to kiss ass and receive information that's not ever going to be given to them. I may not call myself a Demonolator, but I still worship Demons the same way. I don't want a label anymore. I hate labels. People these days crave labels. What happened? We used to throw out labels and say "Fuck labels, man!" I guess all of these "Zoomer" children need the labels to feel "important." Just like they only got participation trophies and no real ones. ROFLMAO! Waaa waaa! This person is mean, hate speech!!! Waaa!

Oh goddamn. This entry could go on forever. I must keep this short. Got stuff to do.

Signing off.