Wednesday, June 3, 2020

This Is My Blog

To anyone who has wandered to my little internet space, welcome! I have to give fair warning to everyone though. With our highly polarized times, I admit, I am on one side of the spectrum and it is the side that a lot of people like to harass. I will not put up with it on this blog - all comments are moderated. Here it goes. I am a conservative Republican. I am pro-life, pro-guns, and I have traditional values. I do not want my political opinions to sour my business. I'm only talking about these things because I need an outlet, and a blog is the best way for me. If you don't agree with me, I don't care. I'm an individual and have my own rights and I have freedom to speak what I will.

A lot of the time, I am brash, abrasive and down right pissed off when I come to write in my blog. Especially if I see something on the alternative media news that I watch. I do not watch the mainstream media news. It's fake and it's garbage. I prefer REAL people giving me the news, from different areas of the country to see what is REALLY going on. You won't hear shit from the MSM. It took them a whole year to figure out that Antifa is a really bad terrorist group that needs to go the fuck to prison and leave regular folks alone. They aren't anti-fascist. Its just a cover. They are racists when they have fucking skinheads hanging out with them! I saw it documented in Portland. So, don't give me talk that these good for nothings are peaceful and accepting. And they're "just expressing themselves," Bullshit! Sorry to say and I'm ashamed to be from Portland. I despise my home town now and worry about my relatives who still live there.

I don't know how much of this blog will be occult in nature. We shall see. I'm more political than anything else right now. I am fighting for freedom, especially of speech. And I love our President. He is doing an awesome job of exposing the fucked up realities of what the Pedo-crats are doing, and have been doing for many years. He's guilty of no crimes.  Unless you call winning fair and square a crime. LOL. Ol' Hitlary would have done a shitty job, that's for sure. We'd still be in the war, our soldiers would still be overseas, and we wouldn't be oil independent. That's just a few things.

I can put on my tinfoil cap and say lots of other things, but I won't for now.

There's a lot of occult shit that gets on my nerves lately. Mostly sanctimonious sycophants trying so hard to kiss ass and receive information that's not ever going to be given to them. I may not call myself a Demonolator, but I still worship Demons the same way. I don't want a label anymore. I hate labels. People these days crave labels. What happened? We used to throw out labels and say "Fuck labels, man!" I guess all of these "Zoomer" children need the labels to feel "important." Just like they only got participation trophies and no real ones. ROFLMAO! Waaa waaa! This person is mean, hate speech!!! Waaa!

Oh goddamn. This entry could go on forever. I must keep this short. Got stuff to do.

Signing off. 

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