Saturday, June 13, 2020

Clown World & Wokeness

Oh my, am I sick of "wokeness" and this fucking clown world. Why did it all happen? There have always been freaks and weirdos, but now they are on the attack. If these little lefty retards don't get what they want they just keep REEEE-ing. This new "wokeness" has been ruining a lot of people and perceptions. There used to be no children affected by drag queens reading to them in a public library - now there is. Fucking scary looking men.

I think some parents make their own kids so gender confused that's one reason they end up with gender dysphoria and want to change sexes. I believe it was John Hopkins hospital that said 95% of gender reassignment surgeries that are done, are regretted later on.

Why does everything have to be sexual in nature now? Everything seems to boil down to whether you are LGBTQRSTV these days and they push it in your face if they are. Sorry, I don't care. Keep it quiet, I really don't fucking care about how these people live unless they are damaging children's lives.

They've got gay pride. Why not hetero pride? Oh no. That's seen as hatred! Not inclusive! Not sustainable! Bahahaha! And you've got the frumpy ugly feminists with shitty clothes, huge ear gauges, Kool-Aid hair, and tattoos everywhere trying to claim that its "cool" to look this way. No, you just look like an ugly moron. Sorry.

Hey, I ain't a normie, if that's what people think while reading this blog. I used to always wear black clothes and look gothic, but those Antifa assholes stole the black getup and even some of the Satanic symbols that were sacred to me. I will NOT look like one of those stupid, idiotic, son of a bitch motherfuckers. Oooh, they took over a part of Seattle's streets and couldn't even run it. Little soy loving vegan morons.

Told ya all that this blog will include incendiary content. Uh oh. Google owns Blogger. I might get deleted or get a warning. FUCK THEM. FREE SPEECH.

I'm a Patriot. NO ONE silences me.

I don't feel very occulty this morning, so I'm not posting anything to do with that yet. Sorry folks.

Signing off.

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