I'm sitting up pretty late at night, or early in the morning. Just don't feel settled enough yet to sleep. Things are bothering me, keeping me from getting shut eye. Maybe it is the civil unrest that is going on. It's possible that I'm sick of the lefties that make my part of the country too goddamned weird. I'm tired of Kool-Aid hair dye on pixie cuts. I'm tired of "REE-sist!" Who gives a flying fuck about gay pride month? I DON'T. Keep it to yourself. Party alone. Stick it in a light socket for all I care. Maybe you can be a new fad, how about "electro-sexual?" Where you can only get off with electrical appliances? ROFLMAO!
Anything is possible in Clown World. Rampant people with acute TDS are ruining this country with their pitiful soy cries of anarchy and "It's not fair! Not my President!" He is YOUR PRESIDENT bitch, for about four years now? And FOUR MORE to come!
Well, off to more spiritual things....
Think a devil worshiper couldn't be a Republican? Guess again. :D I'm a Left Hand Path Righty! LOL!!
There's been some interesting experiments I've been doing for a few months, involving the Four Queens, or the Sacred Prostitutes if you want to call them that. That would be Lilith, Agerath, Eisheth, and Naamah. Great progress in those workings! Solid results. I think all women should work with these Sacred Queens, but take care. I may write something about how I worked with them, and some challenges and successes I've had. It's been a journey. There is also another sacred "whore" that I've loved working with, her name is Az-Jeh. These Demonesses are worth of study and work.
I primarily work with Ba'al and Astaroth, along with Leviathan and Lucifuge. They are my main Demons. Then the four Semitic Queens. Then Santa Muerte is also my other devotion. She is very strong with me. If she needs to get a message to me, she sends me spiders - lots of them! They pop up out of nowhere. Then I know it's her, not just a random pest thing.
My business, Open Roads Apothecary, is my big love. I hope people will come by and enjoy.
Well, I've been banging along here. Hopefully my medible kicks in. I think it's starting to. :)
Signing off.
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